Kostas 'GUS' Proitsakis - Greece, for Beta testing
and Map creation
Alexander Caravitis - Greece, for Beta testing and
Map creation
Stein-Tore Erdal - Norway, for his excellent fightbook,
another inspiration http://www.flightlog.org
Emmanuel Chabani aka Man's for his Google Earth
extended info Module.
DHV for sponsoring the development of
a) Custom rankings / National custom rankings / Club rankings
b) Airspace infrigments checking
c) Comments for flights
d) Compare flights and rewrite to Gmaps api v3
Peter Wild (DHV) , Martin Jursa (DHV) for believing in the power of open source and their valuable contributions and assistance.
Tom Payne for his igc2kmz a great visualisation tool for google earth
Durval Henke(xcbrasil.org) for many bug fixes and the developing the code for standalone operation
Also many thanks to the following for providing translations, valuable
feedback and beta testing: